Vivo did it again, they launched another exciting Mid-Premium Smartphone in India, the Vivo V15 Pro for a price tag of Rs. 28,990. This handset comes packed with a lot of interesting and new features like the triple camera with 48 Million Quad Pixel Sensor + 8MP + 5MP, plus the popup selfie camera and it is powered by Snapdragon 675 AIE octa core processor.

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This handset the Vivo V15 Pro comes with some unique features, to start with it is powered by Snapdragon 675 AIE octa core processor. There is 6GB RAM and 128GB ROM. Overall the performance is pretty good, smooth and you can play high end games with ease. Do check the PUBG gameplay in the video review.

Handset looks cool and the Topaz Blue / Ruby Red colors looks awesome giving the handset a premium feel. There are triple slots you can use 2x nano SIM + micro SD card, Dual VoLTE is supported. There is in display 5th generation finger print sensor and face unlock.

For face unlock you need to switch on the screen and swipe up to popup the front camera which will detect your face and then slide back in. The processor is pretty fast and face unlock / finger print detection is accurate.

Vivo V15 Pro comes with dual band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0. It has all the sensors that you will find on a premium / mid premium smart phones.

Screen is 6.39 inch screen with 19.5:9 aspect ratio, 2340 x 1080 pixels FHD+ resolution, it is a super AMOLED screen.

The 3700 mAh battery comes with Dual-Engine Fast Charging  (9V 2A) support, fast charger is included in the box. Funtouch OS based on Android Pie (9.0) is running out of the box. On a full charge you will get one to one and a half days of battery life.

On the rear there is 48 Million Quad Pixel Sensor +8MP+5MP triple cameras and front camera is a 32 MP shooter hidden inside the handset. Camera quality is excellent, do check the sample images. There is 120 degree super wide angle lens too that you can used for long wide shots even shoot wide angle videos. Do check the wide angle video samples in the video review.

Vivo V15 Pro Camera Samples

Vivo V15 Pro Specification

Qualcomm Snapdragon 675AIE Octa-core
6GB RAM, 128GB internal storage space
Topaz Blue / Ruby Red color options
Funtouch OS based on Android Pie (9.0)
185 grams weight, 8.2mm thickness
3700 mAh battery with Dual-Engine Fast Charging  (9V 2A) support
6.39 inch screen with 19.5:9 aspect ratio, 2340 x 1080 pixels FHD+ resolution
Screen is super AMOLED, with 2.5D curved glass
Front 32MP / Rear 48 Million Quad Pixel Sensor +8MP+5MP
f/2.0(Front); f/1.8(Rear)+f/2.4(Rear)+f/2.4(Rear)
Camera modes – Ultra HD,PPT,Professional,Slow,Time-LapsePhotography,CameraFilter,Live,Bokeh,HDR,AI Face Beauty,Panorama, Palm capture,Genderdetection,RetinaFlash,ARStickers,AI Face Shaping,Watermark,AI Selfie Lighting,AI Scene Recognition,AI Portrait Framing,AI Body Beauty,Super Wide Angle
Dual Band Wi-Fi 2.4GHz / 5GHz
Bluetooth 5.0


Unique handset comes with popup front selfie camera and also power packed using the Snapdragon 675 chipset. Another gem in the mid premium segment.


By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -