Samsung N100 Netbook is now available in India for a price of just Rs. 12,290. The Samsung N100 Netbook is light weight (1.03 kg) and is powered by dual core Intel Atom processor running at 1.33 MHz. There are quite a few surprises from a lowest price tag to the MeeGo operating system that is made to enhance performance of Netbooks.

Technically Netbooks are slow and used for browsing the net, creating / editing office documents, checking emails and for playing music and videos. Netbooks traditionally do not come with any CD/DVD Drives which actually helps in saving a lot of battery power. Using an operating system that is made especially for Netbooks can increase performance and speed. You can also choose to install the Ubuntu OS on Samsung N100 netbook.

Samsung N100 Netbook features

The Samsung N100 Netbook comes with a 10.1 inch LED WSVGA screen with matt finish. The Samsung N100 Netbook is an upgraded version of its immensely popular model the Samsung N150P. The N100 houses an ATOM dual core processor with 1 GB DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB hard drive. The netbook also comes with Intel GMA 3150 graphics.

MeeGo operating system runs smoothly on this hardware configuration and the difference is quite noticeable. Since the Samsung N100 Netbook is already using the atom processor which is highly energy efficient you can expect a better battery life of about 5 hours plus based on your usage.

Samsung N100 Netbook Price in India
Samsung N100 Netbook Price in India

MeeGo operating system is a bit different and it may take some time to get used to it. MeeGo has everything from useful applications, Google Chrome browser to instant access to social networks. Other features of Samsung N100 Netbook is 2 USB 2.0 ports, 4 in 1 memory card reader slot built in (supports MMC, SD, SDHC and SDXC), Wi-Fi, VGA port  and RJ45 port for connecting wired LAN.

Samsung N100 comes loaded with MeeGo OS
Samsung N100 comes loaded with MeeGo OS

Samsung N100 Netbook price in India

The light weight Samsung N100 Netbook is available at an unbelievable price of Rs. 12,290. The N100 would surely give a tough competition to other Netbook brands which are priced starting from Rs. 16,000 onwards.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -