The second Redmi Note flash sales will start today from 2PM onwards. The Note is priced at Rs. 8,999 and only users who had registered for the 9th December sales can buy a single unit, provided they are lucky enough to get one. There were about 75,000 note units for sale and it sold out in 8 seconds.

The Redmi Note is octa core powered with very good build quality and features. You can check the full review of Redmi Note here. Redmi 1S was made available on 8th December with no registrations required, surprisingly it is still available as of now. I guess with Redmi Note selling for Rs. 8,999 many users would rather go for it that spend money on the 1S.

Note is using MediaTek octa core chipset, it’s dual SIM and sports a 5.5 inch screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. The handset also comes with 13MP rear AF camera with flash and a 5MP front facing camera.

Note sales starts today at 2PM for Rs. 8,999 – Let us know if you managed to get one.

redmi note sales starts today at 2PM

Please note that all comments related to selling / passing on the device to another user via any methods will be automatically deleted.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -