Xiaomi recently launched the Redmi Go handset in India, priced at Rs. 4,499 and using the same hardware the Snapdragon 425 quad core. This is a basic entry level smartphone and parents are going to love it because it is indeed PUBG Safe.

Redmi Go is packed with minimal hardware a SD 425 chipset and on top of it running Android Go edition (Android Oreo) with just 1GB RAM and 8GB storage. This handset is for those who have limited budget and / or are just interested in basic Smartphone functionality.

You can buy from Mi.com – https://store.mi.com/in/buy/product/redmi-go

Screen is 5 inches with HD resolution, overall for the price the handset looks and feels premium. I call it the PUBG Safe smartphone cause you cannot run PUBG game on this with low RAM and low resources you will get an error message (for now), do check the video review to know more.

There is 8MP camera on the back and 5MP on the front, handset can shoot FHD videos. Camera quality is average. The 3000 mAh battery will give you a good battery life.

Redmi Go price in India is Rs. 4,499 and looks good for the price, specially parents will love this smartphone as its PUBG Safe.

Redmi Go Camera Samples

Redmi Go Specifications

Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 425 Processor
Quad-core, up to 1.4GHz clock speed
Adreno™ 308, up to 500MHz
Storage can be expanded up to 128GB
3000mAh (typ)
5V/1A charging
12.7cm (5.0) HD display
1280×720 resolution
8MP rear camera, f/2.0 aperture
5MP front camera
Dual SIM + Dedicated microSD card tray
Sensors – Vibration motor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Ambient light sensor

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in