After launching the Moto G4 Play in India Motorola has started teasing about the next handset the Moto E3 Power. The company’s official India twitter account with #ThePow3r #ComingSoon clearly indicates the E3 Power is coming to India. It has now been confirmed that the handset will be launched on 19th September will be available on Flipkart.

The Moto E3 Power was already launched in Hong Kong. This is a dual SIM handset with 4G LTE support sporting a 5 inch IPS screen supporting 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. Android Marshmallow 6.0 OS runs out of the box with 2GB on board RAM and 16GB ROM.

Users can use micro SD card too, to increase storage space. The Moto E3 Power houses the MediaTek quad core chipset clocked at 1GHz (MT6735p) coupled with Mali T720 GPU. This smartphone is also packed with 8MP AF camera placed on the rear with flash support and front camera is of 5MP resolution.

moto E3 power launching soon in India

Other features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, FM radio and Bluetooth 4.0. Moto E3 Power houses a 3500 mAh battery that should be more than sufficient for this quad core hardware.

E3 power will be launched soon in India, hopefully with an affordable cost.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -