Today, at an event in Delhi Xiaomi launched the successor to Mi Max the Mi Max 2 in India. This phablet smartphone is upgraded version of Mi Max, it comes with a 5300 mAh battery and powered by SD 625 octa core chipset. Mi Max 2 price in India is Rs. 16,999.

This Mi Max 2 (Max series) is for those looking for a big screen smartphone but don’t want to use a tablet. Max 2 features a 6.44 inch screen with full HD resolution. It a dual SIM handset (Hybrid) packed with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage space.

Android Nougat with MIUI 8 runs the show. Primary camera can shoot in 12MP resolution and the secondary camera is a 5MP shooter. There is fingerprint sensor and IR blaster too – you can use the IR to control your TV, AC etc.

Mi Max 2 launched in India

Mi Max 2 support 4G with VoLTE and packed with 5300 mAh non-removable battery with quick charge 3.0 support. The Mi Max was launched a long time back and those of you using the Mi Max can think of upgrading to Max 2.

Mi Max 2 price in India 4GB, 64GB is Rs. 16,999. It will go on sale from 27th on Amazon, Flipkart and even offline.

Mi Max 2 specifications

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By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -