Lava Mobiles has launched a low cost quad core powered smartphone running KitKat with FOTA support for Rs. 6,550. This dual SIM handset sports a 5 inch screen and comes with a 2200 mAh battery.

The lava Iris Alfa houses a 1.2GHz quad core chipset probably snapdragon or broadcom running Android 4.4.x with 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage. There is external card support of up to 32GB. This is a dual SIM handset with 3G support.

Iris Alfa sports a 5 inch IPS fully laminated screen with FWVGA resolution (854 x 480 pixels). It also come packed with dual cameras. There is a VGA (.03MP) camera on the front and an auto focus camera of 5MP resolution with flash placed on the rear.

Key features are 3G, 2G (EDGE), Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. Alfa is 9.3mm thick and looks pretty decent. This handset supports 11 Indian regional languages and also comes pre-loaded with Truecaller, adaptxt and Hungama Music apps.

Lava Iris Alfa for Rs. 6,550

Lava Iris Alfa gets power from a 2200 mAh battery that as per the company will deliver much more battery juice as compared with other handsets in the same price segment.

Iris Alfa will be available soon for Rs. 6,550.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -