The Moto G4 Plus was launched in India today for a price tag starting from Rs. 13,499 with 2GB RAM/16GB ROM. The 3GB RAM variant will cost a little extra. You can buy this handset from Amazon with launch day offer.

Moto G4 Plus comes with these exciting offers (for some offers you need to buy G Plus between 18th to 22nd and also buy Pulse 2 between 18th to 30th May to be eligible from same Amazon account, do check the terms and conditions they are different for different offers ) – Rs. 15000 GoCash from, Kindle offer worth Rs. 1000, you can buy Motorola Pulse 2 for Rs. 499, 50 lucky winners who buy the G4 Plus using mobile app will get 100% cashback, customers also get a chance to win Moto 360 every hour, 10 superfans get to see Kabali audio launch and 100 superfans will win passes to Kabli audio launch.

Moto G4 Plus is snapdragon 617 powered running Marshmallow 6.0.1. This handset comes with 5.5 inch CGG3 protected screen with full HD resolution. Key attraction is a 16MP camera on the rear that Motorola says has been improved a lot. The rear camera also makes use of laser AF and PDAF. The non-removable battery is of 3000 mAh capacity and finger print sensor too.

Buy the Moto G4 Plus from Amazon

If interested you can buy the Moto G4 Plus from Amazon – sale will begin in few minutes.

Those waiting for my review – I am going to try buying one for myself for the (retail) review, the 2GB/16GB variant.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -