Smartron recently announced the P that will go on sale exclusively on Flipkart for Rs. 7,999. Key highlight is it’s snapdragon 435 octa core powered and packed with 5000 mAh battery, plus also includes a finger print sensor. First sale is on 17th January from 12PM onwards.

Smartron P unboxing – inside the box you will get the handset, SIM ejector pin, data cable (USB to micro USB), user manual, travel charger (5V / 2.1A). SAR value is mentioned on the box – 0.716 w/kg head and 1.243 body.

The handset is manufactured by ZTE. Build and finishing is very good. Handset does look premium and has got a glossy look on the side, plus the 2.5D curved glass enhances the overall look of the handset. Comfortable to hold and even with a 5000 mAh battery it just weighs around 160 grams. The P comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM.

The Smartron P comes with dual SIM slots – a hybrid slot (nano + nano / micro SD). You also get access that offers free 1000 GB of cloud storage space (lifetime). Handset supports VoLTE. Screen is 5.2 inches with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution, color reproduction, touch response and viewing angles are pretty good.

Smartron P unboxing and first impression

The camera on the back can shoot in 13MP resolution and the front camera in 5MP resolution. Android Nougat 7.1.1 runs the show. Coming to the sensors there is accelerometer, light, proximity, step and gyro – magnetic sensor is missing.

Smartron tphone P review part 1

The big attraction is the 5000 mAh battery that powers this handset. Battery life definitely will be quite impressive. There is LED notification and OTG is supported. Watch out for the full review, coming soon.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -