Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab A series and Tab 3V in Russia and Malaysia. There are 4 tablets in the A Series namely Tab A 8, A 8 LTE, A 9.7 and A 9.7 LTE. The A series tablets start from RUB 17,000 approx Rs. 18K and the 3V is priced at approx Rs. 9K.

The Galaxy Tab A series (4:3 screen ratio) are powered by 1.2GHz qualcomm snapdragon 410 quad core processor running Android Lollipop with 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. These tablets also come packed with a 5MP camera on the rear and a 2MP camera on the front.

The Tab A 8 sports an 8 inch screen with 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and gets power from a 4200 mAh battery. The Tab A 8 LTE as the name suggest supports 4G, sports a 8 inch screen with 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and houses a 4200 mAh battery.

Tab A 9.7 comes with a 9.7 inch screen supporting 1024 x 768 pixels resolution with higher battery capacity of 6000 mAh. The Tab A 9.7 LTE variant supports 4G LTE.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A series and Tab 3V

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3V is the cheapest of this lot sporting a 7 inch screen with 1024 x 600 pixels resolution. It comes with 1GB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB micro SD card support. There is 2MP rear camera and a front VGA camera. This tablet is powered by Spreadtrum quad core chipset clocked at 1.3GHz and gets power from 3600 mAh battery.

No word about when these tablets will be launched in India.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -