Panasonic has launched the Eluga S octa core powered smartphone for a very good price tag of Rs. 10,990. This is a dual SIM handset running Android 4.4.2 over a 5 inch HD screen. This handset is also made for selfies – it houses a 5MP front camera. It is exclusively available on Snapdeal.

The Panasonic Eluga S is using the MediaTek 1.4GHz octa core processor (MT6592M). Android KitKat runs out of the box over a capacitive IPS touch screen of size 5 inches supporting 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. It’s a dual SIM handset with 3G support.

This smartphone comes packed with dual cameras. An 8MP on the rear with LED flash and a 5MP made for selfies on the front. Rear camera can record full HD videos. When it comes to memory and storage there is 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage. Of the 8GB about 5GB is available for users. There is external card support of up to 32GB.

1.4GHz Octa core powered Panasonic Eluga S

Eluga S is 7.9mm thick and weighs about 155 grams with battery. There are 3 commonly used sensors – accelerometer, light and proximity. Key features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. A 2100 mAh battery gives talk time of up to 3 hours on 3G networks. This is with almost similar specifications as seen on the Intex aqua amaze handset.

The Panasonic Eluga S is already available on Snapdeal for Rs. 10,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -