Notion Ink has launched Ink Able model : AB14489AG a hybrid (2 in 1) laptop now available for Rs. 24,990. This laptop comes with a 10 point multi touch screen of size 10.1 inches, houses a 8100 mAh battery and running Windows 10 OS out of the box.

Notion Ink Able 2 in 1 AB14489AG features and specifications

This Ink Able houses the Intel Atom X5-Z8300 (64 Bit) quad core processor clocked at 1.44 GHz that can be turbo boosted up to 1.8GHz. It’s using Intel HD 5300 GPU. Screen as mentioned is 10.1 inches supporting 1280 x 800 pixels resolution.

There is 4GB RAM, 64GB of internal storage and the micro SD card slot can further be used to add external storage of up to 128GB. Laptop (2 in 1) weight is 0.65 Kg. There is a 2MP camera on the front as well as on the back.

Notion Ink Able 2 in 1 AB14489AG  with 3G support and 4GB RAM

Other features are 3G (SIM slot), Bluetooth 4, WiFi, detachable standard keyboard with numpad, internal mic, 2x stereo speakers, 1x USB 2.0 port, 1x USB 3.0 port, headphone jack, mic and micro HDMI.

The 2 cell Li-Po battery as per the company gives up to 7 hours of battery backup.

Notion Ink Able 2 in 1 AB14489AG price in India

It is available on Snapdeal for Rs. 24,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -