The qualcomm dual core powered Nokia X2 is now available in India for Rs. 8,499. The handset is listed online and it sails on Nokia X platform version 2.0 with touch UI. The X2 supports dual SIM (Micro SIM) and sports a 4.29 inch touch screen.

The Nokia X2 is using a dual core processor (1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 200). The LCD Clear Black Screen is 4.29 inches supporting 800 x 480 pixels resolution. Screen is scratch resistant and supports double tab to wake. The handset weight is 150 grams and 11.1 mm thick.

There is 1 GB on board RAM and 4 GB of internal storage. There are dual SIM slots and a micro SD slot that can houses 32 GB cards. The X2 also comes with an auto focus camera of 5 MP resolution on the rear with LED flash and a VGA camera on the front.

Main features are 3G (21.1 Mbps), Wi-Fi (b/g/n), micro USB, 2G, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS with GLONASS (Here Maps). There are 3 common sensors accelerometer, light and proximity. 1800 mAh battery that powers this handset gives a talk time of up to 13 hours on 3G networks.

Nokia X2 now in India for Rs. 8,499

Nokia X2 now available for Rs. 8,499. For this price tag you can get better options in the market and more over Microsoft seems less interested in carrying on with the Nokia X platform.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -