Moto G5 Plus that was launched today will go on sale at Midnight on Flipkart. G5 Plus price starts from Rs. 14,999 for 3GB RAM and 16GB ROM variant and the 4GB RAM and 32GB ROM variant will be available for Rs. 16,999.

You can buy the Moto G5 Plus in Fine Gold and Lunar Grey color options. On Flipkart you will also find launch day offer. First of all there is No Cost EMI option – EMI starts from Rs. 1,667 per month (other EMI from Rs. 728).

Axis Bank Buzz Credit Card users will get extra Rs. 5% off. Flipkart is also offering guarantee buyback of Moto G5 Plus which means in case you wish to exchange the G5 Plus with another handset after 6 months then you will get assured Rs. 7,000 for the handset.

Moto G5 Plus now available on Flipkart

Moto G5 Plus is Snapdragon 625 powered clocked at 2GHz. It comes with optional 3GB/16GB or 4GB/32GB RAM/ROM. Screen is 5.2 inches FHD and there is a 12MP camera on the back and 5MP on the front. Key features are VoLTE and NFC, along with other common features. A 3000 mAh battery powers up the handset with turbo charging support.

The first Moto G5 Plus sale will begin within few minutes (23:59).

You can buy the Moto G5 Plus from Flipkart from Rs. 14,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -