Lava Mobiles today at an event in New Delhi launched a new handset ‘Lava Pixel V1’. The V1 is powered by quad core processor running Lollipop. Lava has partnered with Google to bring the Pixel V1 into the Android One category; it is also Lava’s first Android One smartphone.

This is an Android One smartphone and it will get regular updates from Google (hopefully on time). Inside the hood the Lava Pixel V1 houses the commonly used 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6582 quad core processor coupled with Mali 400 MP2 GPU.

As mentioned it’s Android One and running Lollipop version 5.1.1 out of the box with 2GB on-board RAM and 32GB of internal storage. Plus there is the micro SD card slot to add additional storage. This smartphones comes with a 5.5 inch fully laminated IPS screen with Asahi Dragon-trail glass protection and supporting 1280 x 720 pixels resolution.

Lava Pixel V1 android one launched for ₹11,350

Pixel V1 is using a 13MP (Interpolated) camera packed on the rear with LED flash and an 8MP (Interpolated) on the front. Handset is light weight at 135 grams and it is 7.3mm thick. Key features are 3G, 2G, GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The V1 houses a 2650 mAh Li-Po battery.

Lava Pixel V1 will be available in Silver/White colour option for ₹11,350. The price is on the higher side and that too without 4G support.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -