After launching the Celkon Q40, Celkon has launched the Q40+. This handset is powered by 1.3GHz quad core processor, runs Android Kitkat and supports dual SIM with 3G. The price tag is not mentioned but if you compare the specification both the Celkon Q40 and the Q40+ are nearly the same except for the RAM and internal storage.

The Celkon Q40+ comes with 1GB RAM as compared with the Celkon Q40. The price is not yet disclosed by it will be slight higher that the Q40. Internal storage on the Q40+ is 8GB as compared to 4GB on the Q40.

There is micro SD card support. This handset is powered by 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6582 quad core processor with Mali 400 GPU. IPS screen is 4 inches supporting 800 x 480 pixels resolution. There are 3 sensors light, proximity and accelerometer.

Q40+ comes packed with 5MP auto focus camera on the rear with flash. There is front camera of VGA resolution. Handset is 9.6 mm thick and weight is about 110 grams. Key features are 3G, 2G, Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi.

Celkon Q40+ 1.3GHz quad core smartphone

Celkon Q40+ with a 1500 mAh battery will be available soon.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -