Alcatel OneTouch Idol 2 Mini is listed on Snapdeal for Rs. 11,570. Once you look at the specifications you will understand as to why the handset was launched silently. It’s quad core with 512MB running Jelly Bean 4.3.

This is a dual SIM handset powered by a 1.2GHz unknown quad core processor, most likely it could be the qualcomm snapdragon processor. The handset sails on outdated Jelly Bean 4.3 (though upgradable to android 4.4) with 512MB RAM as mentioned on Snapdeal, however Alcatel official website says 512MB RAM is on 6016E model and the 6016D model is with 1GB RAM. There is 8GB internal storage and 32GB external card support.

There is a 4.5 inch capacitive IPS OGS screen supporting 960 x 540 pixels resolution. The Idol 2 Mini comes with light, proximity, accelerometer and magnetic sensors. An 8MP auto focus camera is on the rear with LED flash support and on the front you will find a VGA camera. 720p video recording is supported.

Alcatel Idol 2 mini available in India

Key features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. Idol 2 Mini houses a 1700 mAh battery that gives talk time of up to 5 hours on 3G and up to 400 hours of standby time.

The Alcatel OneTouch Idol 2 Mini 6016D is available on Snapdeal for Rs. 11,570.

Tip: Anoop Mukherjee.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -