Nextbit had launched the Robin handset in India for Rs. 19,999. The company has now announced limited edition color ‘Ember’ variant that will hit the Indian stores soon. Nextbit Robin Ember will also be available for Rs. 19,999.

This limited edition Ember Robin handset comes with black and Ember color combination.  Nextbit Robin in mint and midnight color option is already available on Flipkart as of now. This handset is powered by Snapdragon 808 hexa core processor.

It is packed with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. Robin sports a 5.2 inch screen with FHD resolution. Also included is a 13MP camera on the back with flash and 5MP on the front. Handset supports 4G, comes with finger print sensor and dual speakers. It houses a 2680 mAh battery.

nextbit ember robin coming soon

Key attraction is the cloud first integration that automatically takes data backup on the cloud, the handset can also move unused apps on the cloud and free internal storage space.

Video (archiving) support will be added on the Robin handset, it is in the beta stage and best testing is open to all in case they want to join. The final version is expected to roll out in August.

If you are interested in buying this handset the Ember color will be available soon for Rs. 19,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -